TCU’s Military Legacy
The first U.S. Armed Forces training activities
commenced on the TCU campus when the Japanese
bombing of Pearl Harbor was still more than a year
away. In June 1940, men who were enrolled in the
government’s Civilian Pilot Training Program (later
the War Pilot Training Program) were taught in TCU
physics classes and were transported daily in buses
provided by TCU to local fields for flying lessons.
From September 1942
to January 1944, Jarvis Hall was made available to
the Special Flight Instructors Program (AV-P), which
was an experimental effort by the Navy to utilize as
instructors ensigns who were over age or did not
meet the physical requirements to make combat
pilots. TCU was the first of only six such units in
the United States. Other service units quartered in
Jarvis during this same time were the Army’s and
Navy’s Enlisted Reserve Corps and a Marine Corps
group. The Navy V-12 program for training of naval
officers brought approximately 200 officers and
trainees to live in the old Clark Hall. Trainees
took regular college courses and received special
technical training.
In 1950, the Air
Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) was
officially established on the campus, joined by the
Army ROTC the following summer. Initially, the
Transportation Corps was the only branch represented
on campus, producing 24 TCU officers through 1954.
In the spirit of interservice cooperation, a joint
Army-Air Force ROTC band was formed in 1952. In
1954, the Horned Frog Regiment Transportation Corps
Officer Training Unit was redesignated as a General
Military Science Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
Unit, offering commissions in all branches. In 1955
and 1956, the Army-Air Force Corps of Cadets merged
into one organization, but the Air Force established
a separate program in 1957.
Women were first
admitted to the ROTC units beginning in the early
1970s. The first female cadet from TCU was commissioned as
a second lieutenant in the Army in 1975. Two years
later, Air Force ROTC Cadet Gayle Remaly became the
first female to be given the rank of cadet colonel
(the top cadet leadership position) and was placed
as commander of all cadets at TCU. In 1980, the
first woman from TCU’s Air Force Detachment 845 was
accepted to pilot training.
TCU ROTC Programs Today
Each TCU ROTC program now enrolls about 100 cadets
per year. More than 660 Air Force officers have
trained and commissioned with TCU AFROTC Detachment
845 over the past 55 years.
While at TCU, Army
ROTC cadets conduct semiannual field training
exercises, compete in the Brigade Ranger Challenge
Competition, and participate in the Bataan Memorial
Death March and the German Armed Forces Badge for
Military Proficiency competitions. Cadets also
perform civic projects for Habitat for Humanity and
other groups as well as provide Color Guard support
for local organizations and veterans’ groups.
Likewise, Air Force
ROTC cadets organize the annual POW/MIA vigil. Each
year, a former prisoner of war is invited to speak
on campus, and a guard is posted in front of the TCU
flagpole for 24 hours while American and POW/MIA
flags are displayed. Cadets also march in Veterans’
and Memorial Day parades, compete in local
orienteering challenges, and participate in regional
and national drill competitions.
cadets may attend Basic Airborne training at Fort
Benning, Georgia, and Air Assault training at Fort
Campbell, Kentucky. Some cadets participate in
Northern Warfare training in Alaska and Cadet Troop
Leader training at Army installations around the
world. Between their junior and senior years, cadets
attend the Leadership Development Assessment Course
at Fort Lewis, Washington, where they are rigorously
tested in Army skills and hone their leadership
Air Force ROTC
cadets attend a variety of summer programs. Some
cadets spend several weeks in the Soaring program
learning to fly lightweight Air Force gliders. They
may also attend the Air Force Academy’s Freefall
program in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where they
earn their basic parachutist badges. Other summer
programs include the Rising Sophomore Program, Nurse
Orientation and Combat Survival training. Between
their sophomore and junior years, Air Force cadets
attend field training, where they are trained and
assessed as potential Air Force officers.
Since 1951,
approximately 930 graduates of TCU have received
Army commissions through the program. Though TCU
Army ROTC cadets major in various fields of study,
the University has a strong connection with the Army
Nurse Corps. Over the years, the Harris School of
Nursing has been one of the biggest producers of
Army Nurse officers.
TCU’s Air Force
Detachment 845 also boasts many awards and
consistently ranks in the top 10 percent of all
AFROTC detachments. Graduates support combat
operations across the globe in a variety of career
information provided by TCU historian Joan Hewatt
Swaim ’56, AFROTC Detachment 845 and the 54th Horned
Frog Battalion.
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