Plaza Dedication Recognizes ‘Bravest of All Horned Frogs’
More than 200 guests, 100 cadets and 190 TCU Band members gathered November 12, 2005, to dedicate the new TCU Veterans Plaza, which recognizes the sacrifices of TCU alumni who served their country. Speakers included Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr., Texas Secretary of State and TCU Trustee Roger Williams ’72 and Charley Powell ’61, brother of Capt. William Elmo Powell ’65, a TCU Air Force ROTC graduate who died when his plane was shot down by enemy fire in Vietnam in 1968.
The new campus centerpiece, designed by architect Michael Bennett ’78 of Gideon Toal Architects and Planners of Fort Worth, incorporates the existing Memorial Columns, as well as garden areas and walkways that stretch from the east side of Reed Hall to a fountain located northwest of the library. New monuments honor alumni and students who served in both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq and other conflicts. New seating areas give visitors a comfortable spot for quiet contemplation.
Although a longtime campus memorial honored Horned Frogs who died during World Wars I and II, other TCU students and graduates did not have a campus marker to keep their memories alive — until now.
“Here at TCU, we have a Hall of Fame for our renowned athletes, a Hall of Fame for outstanding musicians; we have educational accolades for our greatest scholars, and many more,” Secretary Williams pointed out. “But, until today, we have lacked a fitting memorial for what I feel are TCU’s most important graduates. Those who are being honored by this plaza are among the bravest of us all and certainly the bravest of all Horned Frogs!”
At the ceremony, Chancellor Boschini recognized veterans in attendance, credited Secretary Williams with initiating the project and thanked the many alumni and friends who contributed and supported it: “Through their efforts, generations of TCU students to come, ROTC cadets, their families, their friends and other campus visitors will be reminded of the bravery, of the valor, of the sacrifices of those who are honored with this Veterans Plaza.”